
Montag, 22. März 2010

Mayrhofen with LAF

Shot through the fence: fs 5 indy over the gapjump


Here we go again. Yesterday we had a parkshooting with our filmcrew LaFamiglia.
Today it was supposed to be bad weather, so I thought about testing my new remotecontroller for the photocamera.
After my first tries to get a nice picture, the sun came out and I managed to trigger the remotecontrol in the air while grabbing and being in the right place to take the picture. Sounds weird, but I´ve taken the picture while jumping.
It was a really nice experience, and I´m looking forward to do it again...
See you in the snow!

Greetz from Mayrhofen!


Freitag, 19. März 2010


Hey everyone!
From March 6 till 12 the Monster Session went down in Kleinwalsertal/Austria. About 60 Riders and Fotographers spent a whole week just shooting, to fill next years MBM Monster Session issue. We were pretty lucky, cause it was snowing hard at the arrival day and afterwards we experienced 5 blue bird days out of 6! Friedl May, Rene Biedenkap, Nicholas Wolken and I (Thaler) held up the flags for La Famiglia!
Like true Boarders we spent the time after shredding at the wellnes area of the hotel and the nights drinking Ice tea and watching Desperate Housewifes and Germanies next Topmodel!
All in all, it was again a great week with powder, sun and friends, can't get any better than that!
Thanks to MBM and to all the people for some good ass time!
best regards Thaler

Dienstag, 16. März 2010

Dracula you are the fogy Fucker!!! La Famiglia in Rumänien!!!!



Crash the Hotel

Play it n drink it...

unser Heim

Muntele Mic

first n last Skidootrip

Let´s go

Uns trieb die Sucht nach frischem Schnee ins ungewisse. Das erste Ziel war Timisoara/Rumänien, hier trafen wir auf Dumi unseren Kontaktmann. Wir organisierten ein Skidoo ohne das in den rumänischen Bergen nicht viel geht. Mit dem Skidoo kommt und darf man hier überall hin. Genau das hätten wir auch gern gemacht. Leider wurde Dracula aus unerklärlichen Gründen sauer und beschenkte uns in den 8 Tagen auf dem Berg mit Schneesturm, Nebel, sichtweiten von ca. 30m und Schneefall... Fuck the Fog and don´t mess with Dracula.

Sonntag, 7. März 2010

SAAS FEE and a dead CAR called "RIPITI"

first the worst news. our good old friend called "RIPITI" is dead. we tried the best to keep him alive, but in the end hanne and me lost the game. now it´s time to search a replacement car...
just came back from one week arlberg and saas fee with freddy and alessandro. first two days we went to arlberg with otto and tried to do some backcountry action there, but it was quit warm temperatures and quit hard to stick tricks. after otto traveled back to helsinki freddy and me made it to alessandro´s flat in saas fee.5h drive...
we didn´t have that much luck cause of a lack of snow and freezing windy conditions. but we did the best and got some shots in that forest and some icerides up on the glacier. sometimes it almost seemed to be summertime and just couple hours later it was super freezing cold.
now in ibk it´s dumping and back to universtity...damn..
will get some news from freddy, willi, aron and fabian, they made it for a 10 day trip to rumania....
